Monday, December 8, 2008
Town trip!! Today the humans took us (QT) to town. We were placed outside the cafe and kept close watch on the town square! Oh yeah: we sniffed a tree, strange creations they are, they did not however seem edible so why they would place one in the middle of town we don't know. Today however the tree was emitting light. Quite practical here in the dark season. There were some human pups around who seemed to worship the tree, they were singing and dancing around it. Very peculiar indeed. We have been pulling the sledge for the last 3 days now so today when we came back to the dog yard we had a cuddle session with Rico. Tomorrow the humans go on vacation until January (they say they want to go to a warm place. We consider that utter madness as it ha just gotten down to some reasonable temperatures here). While they are gone Jonas` human Yvonne will take care of us! Well humans have a nice trip and bring back some goodies for us!!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The last boat. Today Nord Syssel, the patrol ship of Sysselmanden left Svalbard for the season. Since it was also the first Sunday of Advent the Christmas tree was going to be lighted (Nuna claims that she has seen not just a tree before but "trees" and that they are tall plants that live in great numbers on the mainland and often stand around in packs of 1000s. QT remains sceptical. Uncle Silver was deep in a daydream about the unlimited peeing opportunities a so calleged forest would present and not available for comments). Well the humans took us on a long sledge trip in the morning to the sausage hut (Where legend has it that a kind stranger gave Nuna a sausage in 2004 and we still live in the hope of a meeting that wonderfull man again and thus return to the hut on any opportunity). After lunch the humans and aunt Lisa came back and took the puppies to town. First we went to the old quay to wave goodbye to the ship and see the fireworks. Talik though it was not that interesting and wanted to go for a walk, especially since Qimmiq kept putting her front legs up on his back to get a better view. (Fire and bangs are FUN! It kind of reminded me of the time I went ptarmigan hunting with my mom and the humans It works like this: the humans make a loud bang with some kind of stick and we get the head of a ptarmigan-yummy! Q) After the fireworks the torches were lit we and the humans followed the rest of the town to the town center. It was really interesting to walk among all the humans with their pups (think they called them children) we also met Odin and Savi from the dog yard and their humans and a lot of other dogs. At the town square we shared a cup of gløg with the humans (they got the nasty stuff inside and we got the delicious paper cup TQ). They were about to light the Christmas tree (we still have not seen it, there were so many humans so we cannot say for certain that such a thing as a tree does exist). When they said : "and now we light the tree" it went wooosh! and the town was completely dark. Impressive yes, but is that really what they mean by lighting a tree? It must be very dark at the mainland if they have a lot of trees..... After an exciting day we were driven home to the dog yard and had a big piece of frozen meet. The humans finally listened and from last week on we now get frozen beef and chicken meet every second day! Sweet

Northern light over our cages.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Overnight trip! Our first tent trip of the season. On Saturday afternoon our, Jonas' and Mings humans came to the dog yard together with Harvey and Marzena (two of our 2-legged fans who some times takes us on trips and bring us food) and started packing the sledges, JUHU it was trip time! The boys and Jonas were in front of one sledge, the girls on another. Since Qimmiq is in heat we are not allowed to all run together. We were followed by Team Sava Vit but we out ran them! We had send Rico ahead on a snow scooter with our food, lines and the humans stuff (they do need a LOT). We arrived at the tent site, behind the Pingo on the other side of the valley after a short trip and the humans set up the Lavo and put us on lines ( we would rather have been out chasing reindeers) but we got seal for dinner so it was OK. The humans stayed all night in the tent with the oven on, eating what smelled like thai food and chocolate cake, while we were perfectly comfortable in the soft snow. We did get them out of the tent, and fast, when a unknown dog team raced by in the night and when Nuna managed to get loose by unscrewing and opening a safety carabiner! (nice work Mom! TQ). This afternoon we headed home (with a few stops on the way to discuss whether we should go reindeer hunting or not, the boring humans voted no every time). Bach home we had food and the humans went home to dry their tent and wash their gloves, they said they smelled like seal, like it was a bad thing......

Back sledge with 2,3 dogs (from left, Oki, Silver and Jonas) In front Karoline with 3 dog powers. (picture: Yvonne)
The camp and the full moon over Operafjellet
Friday, November 14, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Cultural education! The sun has now been down for 2 weeks and this weekend it was "kunstpause" (art pause) in Longyearbyen and after taking us for a nice trip in the morning the humans decided to further our cultural education and took the puppies for an art exhibition in town. We were a BIT disappointed that we were left outside (!!) the building while the humans went in but after we heard the first tone of the 12 man mandolin orchestra the humans unwittingly had been lured into enduring we were quite happy to be left outside to supervise the door! After 45 minutes the humans came back out and we send one of the humans home with the car while we took the other human and Aunt Lisa for a stroll through town. Back at the humans apartment we went in to say hello and were then driven back to the dog yard. Qimmiq has now moved in with uncle Silver for a few days while Talik is living with his mom again!
Quad bike training in Adventdalen.
Thursday, November 6, 2008

Silver, Nunsen and the puppies!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Town trip. Yesterday we had a very exciting trip with the quad bike, our humans took us on a ride trough town to the gas station to get the tires of the bike filled up. We were very well behaved and stood still while the humans added air. Then we continued through town to the habour where we turned and headed home. Silver got a bit to interested in the smells on the roadside from other passing dogs so he was degrated to 2. in command and put in the middle of the team and Talik got the chance to show his worth as a lead dog together with Nuna for the last kilometer. That was great! Back home the humans had a "dugnad" repairing and cleaning the dogyard. We had dryfood today, a bit of a bummer as
we usually get seal every second day but the humans must have messed up. We ate the food but only as a symbolic act symbolicing our disapointment in the mishap and we trust that the human will get their act together! All in all a good day to be a dog.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Trip time! Our humans came to take us on a trip with our Quad bike yesterday! It was great; we were joined by Jonas the husky, a semi-member of team Qanik for the trip. We set of at good pace out in the valley but soon it got serious, as we realized that were being followed by the hormone hyped team Sava vit! We managed to keep them behind us and had a really nice trip, we turned just before the northern light station and after a shot break we headed home for dinner. After dinner the puppies went home with the humans for some "opdragelses og disiplin" training. First lesson was to wait outside the shop while the humans did the shopping before we headed home to the apartment for snacks and a belly rub After an hour in the baking hot apartment (why do humans insist on living in sauna temperatures? it was at least 15C in the apartment!) we went back to the dog yard. We have just gotten new hay in our houses so even though is finally getting down to some decent temperatures for running, we are cozy and warm at night!

Congratulations to team Akva vit, ups Sava vit with their new team vehicle!

Congratulations to team Akva vit, ups Sava vit with their new team vehicle!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Today is the first day on our new blog! We would like to thank our humans and our fellow 4-legged bloggers from the dog yard for inspiring our humans to finally letting us put our furry paws on the keyboard.
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Since we have to accept that even puppy paws are to big for the standard QWERTY- keyboard we will from now on let the humans write, under strict supervision of course!
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Since we have to accept that even puppy paws are to big for the standard QWERTY- keyboard we will from now on let the humans write, under strict supervision of course!
First, slightly chaotic, trip of the season 2005. Nuna leading, brothers and partners in crime, Silver and Brutus in the middle with Yang and Janson in the back. (Humans: Mette and Karoline )
Going on a ski trip in March 2007. Silver towing Karoline and and Nuna with a friend, start out just fine, but Yang (with Rico in tow) do not seem to be in a hurry....
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