Thursday, January 14, 2010

Q+T at home.

A few days ago Qimmiq and Talik were allowed to come home with the humans for a few hours. It turned out that even savage polar dogs likes cheese! There must be some aromatic chemicals in cheese that enhances hearing and memmory because all of the sudden the puppies were very responsive to "sit", "dæk", "bli" and last but not least "værs`go"! After wards Qimmiq tried to bury a chew toy on the sealskin. Not her brightest moment but she does get point for persistence.

Oh btw that should have said HER seal skin. She has decided that a real polar princess should not be content with sleep on the bare floor, resting her royal paws on a sealskin is far more befitting!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Driving in the dark

There is finally enough snow for some serious dogdriving and even a hint of light at the southern sky in the middle of the day. This video is from yesterday when we went out in a bit of a snowstorm! It is Talik and Nuna in the front (some where out there in the dark) with Qimmiq and Ludde in the middle and Silver and Miki as wheel dogs. Except for a discussion about whether or not we should relocate some reindeer or not (the humans vetoed no) the trip was nice. NSQTLM